Dungeon porn has turned into a massive trend in the last ten years. Everybody who has had any kind of interest in BDSM and hardcore porn has checked dungeon porn at some point. The videos on the internet bring you to a whole new world in the middle of a normal city.
The most popular dungeon in Europe is situated in a Vienna prison, which is part of the biggest local prison. It looks like a place you could wander at a hundred years ago! It shows you the struggles and suffering back in the days when this was legal! If you have never checked it out, then go browse some videos here.
Once you know what pleasures we are talking about, I am sure that you want to try it out yourself! But where? In the studio dungeons, people like me and you are not allowed…I know…It is worth grief! However, I have an idea for you! You can make your own dungeon place, and you can play Dungeons and Whores as much as you want with your partners! Here are my tips on how to do it!
1. Do I Need A Partner To Make Decisions About The Place
Oh, well, this is all up to you! If you already have a partner, then it will be better to discuss with them what are your plans for the rearrangement of your bedroom. You can pick up the details together, taking into account the preferences for sexual practices of both of you! You might be really into metal restriction, but they might be into rope bondage. In this case, a consensus is impossible to happen, but you can get both ideas into reality!
On the other hand, if you do not have a partner, you can go for it on your own. You do not have to care about anybody else’s preferences and needs at this point. The only thing you have to do is rearrange things the way that you can see them in your imagination and find a partner to exploit them! What a surprise would that be?!

2. DnD or DnW?
Just like with DnD, you are doing a role play by picking a specific role. You can
pick Master or the Adventurer! You do not have to buy a whole lot of stuff to
have the chamber of your dreams. It is all about quality role play!
The master role is the dominant partner. It is no surprise, but they are the ones
who arrange the whole play, and they decide how to proceed during the game. The
adventurer is respectively the submissive. They have to follow any rules and
guidelines that the dom creates. From my point of view, both roles are
adventurous, tho, just one of them can be an adventurer!
3. What do I need?
What you will buy and how you will arrange it is a matter of preferences of you and possibly your partner. It really depends on the vibes that you want to create. You might be into wooden materials. Then, you shall think of massive sticks, wrist and ankle holders, and any simple wooden beds.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a more industrial type of experience, you might want to think of metal and iron materials. This includes and kind of body part holders, beds, and toys. This material makes it colder as an experience, but it gives you the chance to involve many different massive toys, such as fucking machines with dildos or even a Sybian!

All in all, dungeon plays are a great option for you if you are really into the idea of moving into a whole new world of sexual desires and pleasures! There is nothing better than the feeling of dominance in a place where there is no way out!